[convert, constant] . Pi
[length]. . inch -> mm -{
[length] feet -> meter -{
[length]. . feet -> mile -{
[len] mile->kilometer -{
[area] feet² -> meter² -{
[area] . . feet² ->acre -{
[area] acre->hectare -{
[area] . . acre-> mile² -{
[volume] ft³ -> meter³ -{
[volume] ft³ -> gallon -{
[vol.] yard³ -> meter³ -{
[force] lb(f)->Newton -{
[mass] . . lb.US -> kg -{
. degrees to radians -{
[temperature] C°->F° -{
[temperature] F°->C° -{
[temperature] C°->K° -{
[15Apr04] us$->€uro -{
[15Apr04] us$->¥en -{
[power, trig, log] . . (x)²
*} Timer - Stopwatch-{
Memory to alert box -{
pgm.eg.} factorial, x! -{
round 4-dec.places: -{
op/hy, deg.). . sin(x°) -{
aj/hy, deg.). . cos(x°) -{
op/aj, deg.). . tan(x°) -{
arc sin(x) -> degree -{
arc cos(x) -> degree-{
arc tan(x) -> degree -{
natural log (base e) -{
exponentiation: e^x -{
common log(bse10) -{
anti-log(com'n)10^x -{
base of natural logs,e
common log (10) of e
. m -> TAPE . . -{
. TAPE -> x . . . -{
Random Num. (0 to 1)
[ - other - ] sq.root (x)½
*}miles per gallon {eg
*}Cap.Recov: re-Pay
*} sgl.pay: Comp.Amt.
*} unif.pay: Comp.Amt.
*} sgl.pay: Pres.Worth
*}unif.pay: Pres.Worth
*} unif.pay: Sink.Fund
*} Random Data gen.
Statistics: m-Data . {m
//..just CODE EXAMPLES for most users. May delete (3kb+/-), replace with own specialty.
*}BrdCrest Weir, Q,cfs
*}Rectng.Orifice Q,cfs
*} Circular Orifice q,cfs
._HYDRO_Manning {!
._HYDRO_n-values {!
*} pipe norm.flow q,cfs
*} \_/ Channel norm.Q
Ty}JScrAp call name
*}deciml>ASCII code